Puppy Training

People have commented to me over the years about how well behaved and trained my dogs are.  They always want to know what class I took them to or what my trick is or comment how lucky I am to have smart dogs.  I tell them it really wasn’t any of that.  Yes, I did take them to a puppy class, yes they are Labradors and very intelligent and yes, I did carefully research and looked for a top-notch person who produced Labradors to better the breed, not for selling puppies.

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Crates, Kennels and Using Them for Your Dog

I find it interesting when people react in a negative manner at the idea of using a crate or kennel as a place for their dog to stay when you are not home (for the appropriate amount of time).  I also find it interesting when people tell me the story of how their dog destroyed or continues to destroy their furniture, shoes, clothes and all sorts of other valuables when left alone.  They always manage to laugh about it, but really folks, is it funny to have things destroyed and your dog possibly injured because you won’t take the time to train and use a crate for your dog?

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